Endless Warcraft 3 League Preliminary #8

♦ Date: 23 March
♦ Check-in: 12:00 - 13:00 CET (15.00-16.00 msk)
♦ Grid: 13:05 CET (16.05 msk)
♦ Possible players: 128
♦ Garena room: GoodGame.ru Team Room 1
For unspecified Garena account in the profile on the site  - technical defeat.
За неуказанный Garena аккаунт  в профайле - техническое поражение.


♦ Prizes:
1 place: Slot in next stage
2 place: 7 points
3-4 places: 4 points
5-8 places: 2 points
9-16 places:  1 point
*8 winners  qualifying + 8 people with the highest number of points fall into the group stage.
♦ Competition format: 
1/64 - 1/4: bo1 (best of 1)
Semi-final: bo3 (best of 3)
Final: bo5 (best of 5)
Map votes will be cast before the match starts. In case of a best-of-three (Bo3) or best-of-five (Bo5) a referee has to be involved.
For a best-of-one (Bo1) both participants alternately eliminate one map until only one remains (A-B-A-B-A-B). The remaining map will be played. The participant mentioned first in the match details starts with the procedure.
For a best-of-three (Bo3) each participant eliminates three maps (A-B-A-B). The participant mentioned first in the match details starts with the procedure. The order of the remaining three maps is decided by A picking the first and B picking the second map of the series. The remaining map is the third map.
For a best-of-five (Bo5) each participant eliminates one map (A-B). The participant mentioned first in the match details starts with the procedure. The order of the remaining five maps is decided by both players picking one map alternately until only one remains (A-B). Once again the participant mentioned first in the match details starts with the procedure. The remaining map is the fifth map.
Summary of the Map Voting:
  • Bo1: veto (A-B-A-B-A-B); one map remains
  • Bo3: veto (A-B-A-B); pick (A-B); 3rd map remains
  • Bo5: veto (A-B); pick (A-B-A-B); 5th map remains
  • A is mentioned first in the match details
  • B is mentioned second in the match details

♦ Mappool:
Amazonia (AZ)
Echo Isles (EI)
Secret Valley (SV)
Last Refuge 1.3 (LR)
Twisted Meadows (TM)
Ancient Isles (AI)
Turtle Rock (TR)

♦ Referees:


Garena Acc GGC: lady_lina
 ICQ:  608-817-689  


Garena Acc GGC: KHV.WannotDie
 ICQ:  322-600-764



Dhc.PraDo 18 points
Flopoks. 15 points
J4S)rvs.   14 points
DayNight001 11 points
x3-DemoN 9 points
hQ!OrcWorker 9 points
SFoS.SkLiP 9 points
SiOL!sheik 8 points
BiA.MandaMandarin4ik 7 points
 EWW.FastRestart 7 points
LikeYOU 7 points
RUN..elvaP  6 points
Shafterhopf   6 points
5mr_   5 points
greddy.fox 5 points
Boomba-mumba 5 points
gS.Vut923 3 points
SiOL!neru.WeYLoR    3 points
IWTB.MakTim 3 points
JulianMalone 3 points
Roze!stereoSoniclool 3 points
gh0stik__37 3 points
PoM.CorsaiR    3 points
ActiveBet.KraV.UD 2 points
PoM.ag3nt     2 points
OohLa 2 points
JustPlay!Lion9 2 points
Alendid 2 points
keNt))RinoVaciO 2 points
EWW.Imperius 2 points
lady_lina 1 point
Wyrmass 1 point
HARRYSON407 1 point
m1chman 1 point
lvn.chestar- 1 point
sgo 1 point
hQ!ImHappyTaureN  1 point
KoTe   1 point
BLR_Esperanza    1 point
U2.Rici   1 point
Sya    1 point
IntoXi 1 point
SportiK- 1 point
Ls.Lag 1 point
J4S)kda 1 point
PoM.Arche. 1 point
IMPERIAL 1 point
artes_graf 1 point
HSE.Curiosity. 1 point
Zaonegin 1 point
Navi.LuciferSam 1 point
NP.Pandasan 1 point
Kidd1y 1 point
Deathnoteae 1 point
Реквизиты для тех, кто хочет поддержать лигу и увеличить призовой фонд:
WMR - R776919728504
WMZ  - Z795027260086
Все средства будут добавлены в призовой фонд.
For the insults other players - tech lose and ban for the next tournament. 
 За мат и оскорбления других игроков- техническое поражение
и бан на следующий турнир.